Sunday, December 12, 2010


Delmo's single loop cone bottom/knuckle top project that he sent our way.. Very rad little bike but this engine has had us scratching our heads as well as banging them on the wall... Very tough thing to deal with when you have no idea how or even what was used in this "running motor".... Learned to assume nothing...ever.... That being said we'd love to do another from the crank up, there is no reason these engines can't work and work well.. just ask Lee.

Fid's lid..

A new Fulmer Fid striped a while back for a customer/buddy of ours..

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Language warning..

Heading to Robert in AZ, custom cast with 4" backing plate and paper filter for S&S. Thanks Robert, it'll be on it's way Monday.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010